We have a lot to be grateful to our glorious Prime Minister for. The little scamp was the only one who stood up to those vicious bureaucrats in Brussels and got our Brexit done.
How do we show our appreciation? We boo him. We keep going on about his various misdemeanours. Furthermore, we put him through the humiliation of a no confidence vote.
He deserves or respect, adoration and worship. not this.
Lied to the Queen
So what if he lied to the Queen? So what if he lied to Parliament? So what if he can’t keep his cock in his pants? We all tell little white lies now and again, and he is the Prime Minister, for God’s sake. If anyone should be able to do as they please – it is he!
He’s not perfect, we know that – but that’s why we voted for him. His loveable bluster, his cheeky little mop of blonde hair – it is why we fell in love with him. I want a Prime Minister who doesn’t follow the rules. This how we got our Brexit done and were cut free from the tyranny of the EU.