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Letters to the Editor

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Spiritless Starmer

14th June 2022

Glenda from Hastings explains why she won't be voting for 'dull as ditch water', Starmer in the next General Election.

Dear Editor,

There is a lot of talk in the media about how boring and bland, the Labour leader, Sir Keir Starmer is. Although I have never met him,  I believe any old shit I read in the Daily Mail, and therefore he will never get my vote!

Despite, his illustrious legal career, high moral standing and values, the thought of putting an X in his box on voting day, makes vomit come into my throat.

Poor old Boris, has always wanted to be Prime Minster and has never been giving the chance he deserves. It broke my heart when all those ‘woke’ lefty ‘remaniacs’ booed at him at Her Majesty’s Jubilee.  You can be rest assured, come the next General Election I won’t be voting “boring”,

I will be voting, “liar”, “serial adulterer”, “buffoon”, “racist”, “incompetence”, “useless”, “dishonest”.

There is no better leader for this country than someone who is responsible for the deaths of 100,000 people, breaks international law,  and parties while we can’t go to funerals.

Yours Sincerely

Glenda Ballwrap, Hastings, Sea View Care home for the bewildered.

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