Submit Your Article to the Druid’s Loom
To send your article, complete the form below. Alternatively, if you have a Word Document or something, you can send a message directly to – We regret we can’t publish all articles, particularly those that have been written by psychopaths.
Before Sending, check the guidelines below:
It needs to be funny.
If it doesn’t make us laugh, it will go in the bin.
Provide a Picture
Each article needs an image. If it’s not your own, make sure you have the rights to use it.
Avoid Excessive Profanity
Swearing is funny, we get it, but in moderation please. F**k and c**t, need to be *’d out.
Make Up names
Make up names where possible, and if it’s about someone famous, don’t be libellous.
Check Your Spelling
Make sure you check your spelling and grammar. It makes you look like a twat if you don’t
Don't Plagarise
Don’t copy something else you have seen online. We do check.