There has been a lot of fuss and ‘woke’ nonsense recently about young people’s mental “health” issues. I have always struggled with the concept of “mental health”.
As far as I am concerned, it is just another name for “being lazy”. The number of people who I have dealt with who have been signed off “sick” with “stress”, beggars belief. The majority of them, are just scared of hard work!
Dopey Bird
Not content with confining this to adults, hand-wringing lefties, now want to label lazy or naughty children with some mental health “issue”. I imagine that these trendy new “illnesses” have probably been invented by some woke dopey bird, who studies “Child Psychology” at one of these new “universities” just so she can get her Ph.D. You couldn’t make it up!
Fatty Ginger
Call me old-fashioned, but when I was at school there was no such thing as mental health “issues” and we all turned out okay. I remember, one classmate – “Fatty Ginger”, we used to call him, on account of his rotund physique and crop of wiry red hair.
I remember fondly, how we used to torment him every single day about his appearance. We used to beat him up in the toilets until he begged and pleaded with us to stop hurting him!
It was known as “character building” in those days.
Did he get stressed? I doubt it.
Did he have mental health issues? Not in my opinion.
Did it affect Fatty Ginger’s (I don’t recall his real name) potential? Well – he went on to be a very successful businessman – until his suicide, ten years ago; so I don’t think so!
Society needs to man up! Stop moaning and work hard. That is how we make Britain great again – not by pandering to the ‘wokeness’ of the “mental health brigade”. Snowflakes who are just intent on molly coddling naughty kids that probably just deserve a good slap!
Robert Littleengland’s new book, “It Wasn’t like that in My Day”, is now available from all good bookshops, priced at £15.99.
“Littleengland takes a walk down memory lane, reminiscing fondly how he bullied “The foreign kid”, threw stones at poor people, and chucked dog turds at the boy with the effeminate sounding voice.”